Monday 11 May 2015

Research Says Being Disorganized Makes You Smarter

There is a huge pile of paper on your desk, not to mention the paperwork stacked in the drawers, some are also hidden under your desk and you don’t know what to do with them. Well, you are ‘messy’ and you shouldn’t have any shame in calling yourself ‘disorganized’.

For years we kept hearing that being organized keeps you productive but a recent research has revealed that being disorganized too can go to your benefit as the research says that being disorganized can really be a predictor of your smartness. The research was conducted by a neuroscientist named Robert Thatcher who conducted a series of experiments that concluded that the more disorganized you are, the smarter your brain is.

Thatcher says that creativity is a result of several ideas combining or crashing together to produce breakthrough thoughts and novel associations. The more thoughts your mind has the more capacity it has to produce novel ideas by finding associations just like when you are reading more than one book at a time your brain dives into a pool of new ideas and keeps on developing new connections so when your mind wanders its indeed a good thing. According to Thatcher, this process occurs more in a disorganized brain so when your brain remains in a messy and disorganized state you are likely to be more creative and smart.

Many new successful and creative projects are just the result of the creator’s mind wandering at an unexpected time in an unexpected direction and then the idea just hits them. Though you still need to be organized but being rigidly system-oriented makes you perform in an expected way and your brain is likely to become dull and process oriented.

We at the University of Atlanta want you to inject a little bit of disorder and mismanagement in your daily life, let your mind wander a little, go out for an unexpected walk, develop multiple hobbies, borrow ideas, let other use your thoughts and ideas for once to get unplanned success. Join the University of Atlanta network on FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus and Pinterest to keep getting useful updates and stay connected.

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