Monday 11 May 2015

How to Make Your Job Interview Successful?

Interviewing fruitfully is probably the most important part in securing your dream internship or job. University of Atlanta came up with a few tips that would help candidates who are preparing for an interview.
Dress appropriately
This is the time while you’ll be analyzed from top to bottom, so dress up appropriately. Avoid anything which has too many patterns it might distract your interviewers. Keep it low on perfumes.
Go through your CV
Practice your answering skills; ask family member or friend to help you out. Go over how you would respond to common interview questions
Do your research
Do your research on the company, about their offices and you should know everything about their mission and vision statement. Show your interest in the services of the company.
Know yourself
Analyze your skills and know what you are capable of; an interview is an act of marketing yourself. But don’t go overboard in doing so.
Be on time
Get there a little early and avoid running late, go to visit the place you’ll be going to give this interview before.  Just in case you get confused and run late on the date of interview.
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