Thursday 7 May 2015

5 Essential Career Secrets You Can Steal From Mad Men

All time American television favorite ‘Mad Men’ has entered in its final chapter. The television series widely known as one of the best television series of all time is about a prestigious New York’s ad agency at the beginning of the 1960s and is widely regarded for its writing and historical authenticity.

The show is set to end on May 17th forever and we at the University of Atlanta believe that there is no other television drama that portrays business acumen, career navigation, professional challenges rather the American professional life in whole in a way that Mad Men does and that’s why we have brought together these important career secrets that you can steal from it.
Personal branding is the key to being recognized.

Personal branding is the key to being recognized

Brand yourself in such a way that would make everyone recognize you as an indicator of success. In the show, this is done by Don Draper who wraps up every business opportunity through his undeniable charisma, brilliant techniques, marketing reality and confidence. All these factors packaged together make the ‘Don Draper brand’ that not only big client’s like Coke and GM desire but top ad agencies look for. It would be your personal branding that would let others know the moment you walk in a room that you want business. Your confidence, sincerity and your attire play a big part in it.

Networking plays a big role in your career

It’s good if you have a thousand plus connections on LinkedIn or you are out on every Saturday meeting industry personnel’s but what’s important is keeping in mind that the next person you are about to meet is always as important as your first and that’s the key to networking. Mad Men has shown some great networking ideas including when Draper got hired at the agency after he met Sterling, engineering a daytime bender and came up to him the next day and convinced Sterling that he had offered Don a job but he was too drunk to remember doing that. Similarly Roger Sterling used a fling with an airline stewardess to tip him about the executives that were flying to New York looking for ad agencies and he got on the same plane, befriended them and won their business. For effective networking, you need to be ready to do everything to build rapport and keep people happy in your presence.

Working Hard may not always get you noticed

Working hard is crucial but sometimes only your hard work may not get you the attention and reward that you desired but being consistent with a can-do attitude can finally get you what you want. Peggy Olsen, had to wait a long time for her efforts to pay off as she had to break a boys only club at the work place, her preservance, love for the job and never taking no for an answer eventually paid off as she got the role she loved surpassing several others in her league.
Romance and office just can’t go along.

Romance and office just can’t go along

Over the seven seasons we have seen write a lot of office romance in this TV series be it Pete and Peggy, Joan and Roger, Don and Megan or any other, though these office romances make a great television show but in real life they turn ugly pretty quickly and it doesn’t take long for things to get complicated. It is perfectly fine to go out with a fellow co-worker but you need to keep it out of the working hours or your credibility and professionalism would be at risk.

Perception is as important as reality itself
Mad Men reveals one of the greatest marketing laws of all that is marketing is largely about managing perception. Well, this is not just limited to marketing as your career too is all about what other perceive of you and largely depends upon you managing your perception. The commercial that Don Draper came up with showing a farmer’s wife spreading margarine on her toast rather than her home made dairy cow fresh butter reveals a fine point that people will believe what you tell them and their perception would turn into a reality.

You can tell us what career lessons you have learned from Mad Men on either of our social channels FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus or Pinterest.

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