Thursday, 23 April 2015

What Research Says About the Real Worth of a College Degree? - University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

A college degree comes with much financial burden in the United States. Whether it is at a community college, at a public or a private institution, the cost of getting a college degree was never this much. More importantly when we examine higher education from an investment point of view the picture is not so good. The increasing financial burden along with a gloomy picture of return on investment has raised many reservations about the real worth of a college degree.

Recently a study was conducted in the United States that measured how much the U.S. college fees have increased since the recession. According to the research, the college fees have increased more than 1,225% in the last 36 years, this is more than the average increase in the biggest U.S. expenses that is medical which increased 634% and it has increased even more than the inflation measure consumer price index which increased 279% in the last 36 years. Moreover, the U.S. per student college cost has increased nearly five times the rate of inflation since 1983.

The United States Department of Education has named financial consideration as one of the big reasons for students failing to get a college degree and these students are about 33 percent of the U.S. middle-class students. Even Americans who borrow money for education in form of student debts are at a disadvantage as nearly $1 trillion student loans have been taken by the U.S students making student debt bigger than the credit card debt in America.

A more recent 2014 research from the Pew Research Center showed that not going to college is even worse and it proves to be much more costly in the later years. The research showed that students who successfully graduate from college earn US$17,500 more than their peers who are only high school graduates and when we start to compare graduates and non-graduate salaries the decision whether to get a college degree or not gets all clear.

The University of Atlanta strongly believes that it is extremely important to invest in a college degree today and the reason is quite obvious because who fail to do so are falling further and further behind. The University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign brings you most useful facts and information that prepare you for academic and professional success, you too can join the campaign by following us on Facebook , Google plus , Pinterest and Twitter

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