Thursday 2 April 2015

The Ivy League Institutes Are Overrated and Here is Why – University Of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

If we look at the current high schools juniors we will find a lot many with high ambitions that are giving all they can to maintain a 4.0 average and are always making them available to take the lead in the right extracurricular activities so that their application at one of the prestigious Ivy League institutes may be accepted.

The Ivy League has become an obsession in America and getting into them has become a dream for which many desperately wish for. But it is not long before they realize a bitter truth that getting into one is not as easy as they thought it to be.

The Ivy League is a symbol of social elitism with beautiful historic campuses and rich histories. The eight colleges Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University are the to date the most selective colleges in the world.

The acceptance rate at the Ivy League is below 10 percent and for the class of 2018 it has barely reached 9 percent. The applications and the acceptance rates of every individual university can be seen below: 

Surely, these institutes are highly selective and they are definitely not meant for everyone. William Deresiewicz, a graduate of Columbia University and a former English professor at Yale University says that these prestigious schools play an important role in the American class system.

Deresiewicz argues that the admission policies of these prestigious schools are not at all student friendly and they are not about the lower or the middle class seeking to step into the upper-middle neither are they about the upper-middle class seeking to maintain their position in the same class but they are about the elite and an elite graduates from these who is supposed to lead.

The students do not need to go to a top-tier school to get a great degree and they don’t need to limit their choices to these elite eight only. Remember education rather than elitism should be the reason to attend a college.

The recently launched University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve campaign aims to provide the most useful pieces of information and answer unanswered queries. Follow us on FacebookGoogle plus ,Pinterest,Twitter and keep learning.

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