Thursday 2 April 2015

Atlanta is Birth Home of Martin Luther King Jr. – University of Atlanta Explore, Educate and Evolve Campaign

University of Atlanta is exploring the most astonishing and interesting facts about history among everyone. Each day we share something exciting yet knowledgeable for our readers. The popularity of University of Atlanta explore, educate and evolve camping proves that people love to learn and enjoy to unveil hidden truths about history, literature, arts, sport and much more.

We are well aware of numerous facts of Atlanta till now, including how Atlanta rose from the ashes, the history behind phoenix, why it is called the powerhouse of high education and its involvement in sports. Today, we will talk the most famous civil rights campaigner in history Martin Luther king Jr.

Most of us know him from his famous speech “I Have a Dream” delivered in August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to discrimination in the US. The speech was a significant moment of the American Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. King, both a Baptist minister and civil-rights activist, had a seismic influence on race relations in the United States.
There are few facts that some of us are still unaware about Martin Luther King Jr. Join us and explore these facts with University of Atlanta Explore, Educate and Evolve campaign.

Youngest Peace Prize Winner Ever

Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, at the time he was the youngest Peace Prize winner ever, at the age of 35. His acceptance speech included –

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”

He Got a C in Public Speaking

Although Dr. King is known as the man of his words. But in his first year of seminary school, one of Dr. King’s professors gave him a C in a public speaking course.

Martin was originally named Michael

His name was originally Michael, not Martin.  His father was also Michael King, hence why Martin Luther King Jr. was originally named Michael King Jr.  

King’s Assignation

Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room.

University of Atlanta explore, educate and evolve campaign honors contributions of Dr. King. To learn more about our campaign follow us on Facebook , Google plus , Pinterest and Twitter.

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