Wednesday 13 May 2015

Does Being Rich Make You Successful?

If you are asked a simple question, as simple as this that what would you like more, to be ‘rich’ or ‘successful’, what would your answer be?  Well, many would answer rich but smarter ones would answer that they would like to be successful. 

So what is success? At University of Atlanta, we interviewed several students and found out that to most of them success is a measure of money, how much money you have and how much money you make, makes you successful. But if this is true then there would not be a single person who can truly be called successful, not even Bill Gates with a net-worth of US$ 79.6 billion (January 2015).

Similarly, investment and hedge fund analysts are known to make millions, which makes them really rich but being successful is a different ball-game. If money was the measure, they’ll have to keep on winning every year and keep on being on the number one position but you can’t always be the top dog in the league.

We at the University of Atlanta believe that success is getting pleasure in what you do and what you have achieved. It is not necessary that you have to have a net worth of $10 billion or more to be called successful as you may be a billionaire but if you have been miserable earning that money by working on a job that makes you ache then you should stop doing that and figure out what you want to do the rest of your life.

Although money is necessary in dealing with the world but the important thing is earning it by doing what you love. When you love what you do, you will not only be happy about your work, but you will be more dedicated and passionate about it, you will excel in your work because you will enjoy doing it and as a result success is inevitable. To get more interesting reads follow us on FacebookGooglePlusPinterest and Twitter.

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