Wednesday 29 April 2015

What Can You Do To Save The Earth? - University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

Every year there are some specific days in our lives that call for reflection. Those days may include your birthday, a certain holiday, an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day or any other. It is at such days that we think about how had we celebrated, what had we done and what we could had done. The University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign similarly wants you to reflect what you have done about protecting your environment on the Earth Day. So here are some things that you can start doing today as an individual to save the Earth.


The extra room in your car can be put to good use by ride-sharing or car pooling. If you are carpooling just twice a week you are keeping out 1,600 pounds of greenhouse gases of the air each year. Carpooling not only reduces the carbon dioxide emissions but it can save you big bucks too.

Using public transportation

You can completely cut down emissions from your car by using public transportation for commuting. Moreover, by using public transit you would not have to waste time and energy looking for a parking spot and can save your parking money plus the time spent driving can also be put to good use.

Get a bike

You can get yourself a bike to run nearby errands without any emissions. With a bike, you would also get a quick exercise and you would easily avoid the traffic too.

Conserve energy

The main reason of our environmental problems is our need of energy. The population of the United States is about 5 percent of the population of the world, but the U.S. alone is responsible to consume 25 percent of the energy of the world. You can conserve energy by turning off unused electronic devices.

Conserve water

According to recent news some places in the United States including California are running out of water. Keeping in mind that only 1 percent of the water of the world can be used because 97 percent is sea water and 2 percent is frozen you should use it wisely and should protect your water environment.

One more "R"

You should start to use another ‘R’ of 'repair' to reduce, reuse and recycle when you think of the environment. If something is broken most of the times it can be repaired thus cutting down on waste.

Stop wasting paper

Though everything is going digital these days but paper is still extensively used. Every day only the businesses in America are generating enough paper to circle the Earth 20 times. So next time just think before you print something and cut down excessive paper use to help save trees and contribute in protecting your environment.

We at University of Atlanta believe that the Earth Day is not just about saving the Earth but it is about saving yourself. Follow our campaign on FacebookGoogle Plus , Pinterest and Twitter to stay updated and keep protecting your environment.

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