Monday 27 April 2015

Climatic Change is the Biggest Threat We Face Today - University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

This year’s Earth Day was an important point in the history of our Earth’s environment. The increasingly changing Earth’s environment has led the authorities to focus on this issue and this year led to an unprecedented decision by the members of the U.S. Congress who recognized that the climate change is real and the United States President Barack Obama also announced goals that would reduce overall emissions by one-third in the next 10 years.

Today, the biggest threat is ‘climatic change’ which we face not as a nation or as an economy but as humanity. The climatic changes pose a great threat not only to our lives, our economies, our public health but also to the lives of our future generations as well. On this Earth Day, the United States President recognized this great threat stating:

“The effects of climate change can no longer be denied or ignored – 2014 was the planet’s warmest year recorded, and 14 of the 15 hottest years on record have happened this century.”

The rapidly changing climate has serious consequences. It is changing the way we live. Today we are experiencing more droughts, stronger storms, deadly earthquakes, frequent Tsunamis and hurricanes. Even the air we breathe is by getting polluted because of our own actions.

We ourselves are making our planet warmer and warmer and are increasing the risk of dangerous climatic changes. According to scientists, we are crossing serious tipping points in the Earth’s ecosystem which is leading to dramatic and irreversible climate and environmental changes.

The University of Atlanta believes in preserving natural and God-given environment. We at University of Atlanta love our planet and work to keep it safe for our families. Follow the University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign on FacebookGoogle plus Pinterest and Twitter to get all the information regarding keeping our planet safe because it is only Earth which we all have in common and it is the only planet we have got.

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