Saturday 4 April 2015

Why was Steve Jobs so Successful? University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

The most successful entrepreneur, innovator, leader and a true legend; Steve Jobs is surely the one to look up to when you need a road-map to success. It was Jobs who was successful in building the most valuable brand in the world and providing the world with some of the greatest innovations of all times.

Today, Apple is one of the largest companies in the world with revenues of US$ 182 billion and with more cash reserves that the U.S. treasury itself. Jobs proved his genius and success over and over again, be it bringing a garage company Apple to compete with the tech giants IBM or creating NeXT and Pixar after getting fired from his own company or be it coming back again at Apple to transform the music industry with iPod and iTunes and to change the world’s lifestyle with iPhone and iPad, Steve’s success is unquestioned and undoubted.

So what was it that made him so successful?

There are long debates on what factors led to his breakthrough success. Most say it was his personality traits like attention to detail and high standards that made him so successful, but there is more to it than just personality quirks.

There are specific principles of success that can be learned. Yes! There is a secret to his success.

It was his insatiable curiosity and maniacal razor-sharp focus that led to everything else in his life. From the very beginning curiosity fueled him and he always remained focused to the applications of his leanings. It was his curiosity and focus that made him audit the class he liked even after dropping out of college, taking a calligraphy class that later on reflected in the varied fonts that we have today in our computers. Similarly starting NeXT in his wilderness years later on led to NeXT becoming a core operating system for Mac and his lifelong passion for music later on became iTunes.

Jobs envisioned a world where technology would be simple, integrated and easily accessible, a world where it would deeply change people’s life. He had described the iPod, iPhone and the iPad nearly two decades before the world saw them. He always remained focused and never let the current world limitations hold him back and finally he did it. The most sincere piece of advice in his own words:

“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.” -Steve Jobs

The University of Atlanta helps students to find their innermost talents through providing an immersive online learning environment. The University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign is all about providing meaningful knowledge and information that will shape our student’s future and would prove to be stepping stones on their road to success. Join the Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign of the University of Atlanta on FacebookTwitterGoogle plus and Pinterest.

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