Thursday 9 April 2015

A CEO’s Perspective: How Job Seekers Can Get the Job They Want - University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

The data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the average length of for an unemployed person to find a job has increased to 10.4 weeks. Indeed, that is long and there are times when the candidates would start to blame it all on the recruiting process.

Liz Ryan, who is a former SVP HR for a Fortune 500 company and currently is the CEO of Human Workplace. She says that job seekers need to put their best foot forward in a well-written and thoughtful outreach for the job they are interested in. They should keep in mind that on an average there are 118 people who apply for any job position but only 24 would get an interview call, that’s only 20 percent so here are three most critical things that job seekers need to do to get selected.

Customize Your Resume Every time

Job seekers need to customize their resumes for every job position they apply for. The employer needs to know which of their stories and experience are most relevant to the specific job that they have applied for.It is not that hard at all, for example if they are applying for a marketing job, they need to customize their resume to highlight their marketing experiences.

Moreover, it is necessary for job seekers to change the summary on the top of their resume every time they apply for a job. It will make it crystal clear that though the job seeker has a wide skill-set but currently is conveying expertise in the area that the employer is looking for.

Don’t Look and Sound Like Every One Else

 Job seekers need to be unique and they need to be different. Job seekers who sound like all the other candidates are treated like all the other candidates i.e. they are not hired.They need to stop being generic. Stop making use of words like ‘detail-oriented’ or ‘result-oriented’ rather be genuine and tell them who they are in the real world.

Be the Solution to Your Employer’s Problem

Every hiring manager has a problem and job seekers need to convince them that they are the best solution to get hired. Understand the problem and offer a hypothesis that would let your prospective employer know that you came prepared, you are genuinely interested in helping them and you have an idea to what they are up against.

In today’s world, job seekers don’t only need to make a sound impression but they need to help out the hiring manager. The process of job search at most of the times is really tiresome, complex and unending so with the Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign from the University of Atlanta, job seekers can find a way to stand out. Be a part of the University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign and follow us on Facebook , Google plus , Pinterest and Twitter.

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