Monday 30 March 2015

Learn About the Funniest Laws in USA – University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign

University of Atlanta Explore, Educate and Evolve campaign will explore and share the most astonishing facts and bits of knowledge just about everything. We come across new realities almost every day but don’t get time to explore or look into them. They are unknown, knowledgeable yet delightful truths about things that we see every day. With this campaign we strive to unveil the most amazing facts you were not aware of until now. University of Atlanta Explore, Educate and Evolve campaign aims to make learning an exploratory rendezvous, we invite you to explore and learn!

We have been exploring a lot about Atlanta lately, facts about how it rose from the ashes, and learnt why Atlanta is known as the powerhouse of higher education. Today, we will learn about the most hilarious laws which are applied in the US. 

In some states, including California, Florida, Nevada, Alaska and Hawaii a motorist can be cited for driving too slowly. How ridiculous is that yet it’s true, next time you go out for ride on your bike. Don’t be afraid to speed up!

That’s not it, we have more coming for you;

In Alabama - State code allows only 5 minutes for one to vote. Which is fine, people who come to vote surely have made up their mind about who they want to vote.

There are two laws in California which are funny yet they make a lot of sense. In Walnut (Walnut is a suburban city) No person shall wear a mask or disguise on a public street without a permit from the sheriff. Well, a law is a law!

Whoever is planning a visit to Hawaii should be aware of this law, In Honolulu (the most populous city of USA), it is illegal to sing loudly outside after sunset. So, kindly refrain from singing out loud in Hawaii you might just get caught for singing.

University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign is all about highlighting the facts which were unknown to most. To keep up with our campaign and get frequently updated visit our social media websites. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Google plus.

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