Friday 27 March 2015

Fortune 500 CEOs Get an Average of 23 Minutes of Productive Time in a Day – University of Atlanta Explore, Educate & Evolve campaign

The top CEOs from the lists of Fortune 500 companies are estimated to be productive only for 23 minutes in a whole working day so what about the rest of their time? The rest of their time is spent in other routine tasks like managing the bottom line and in meetings. The thing about time is that it is same for everybody. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, but some are able to do much more in the same 24 hours.

The top CEOs follow a set routine to be more productive. Every day they are concerned about how can they spend their time more effectively. According to them meetings and phone calls are the biggest productivity blocks and their biggest time wasters. They are jealous about their time and make consistent efforts to plan their 24 hour day down to every minute. They protect their time and use their daily 23 productive minutes on planning high-priority thoughts, conversations and actions only.

There is a good chance that you too may think of yourself as a person with good time management skills, but you still are not getting everything done that you need to in your day. Managing time becomes so complex because everything that you have learned about time from lectures and books is all just a waste of time. Time is defined as “a point or a certain period at which things occurs” which in simple words means it is when some stuff happens.
In reality, your real time is in your control, you create it and you decide how to spend it. Once you have accepted this idea you would not have time management problems anymore as you will be taking ownership and you will know that planning your time is essential and planning every minute of your day before it starts is necessary.

“The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time.”

The University of Atlanta Explore, Educate and Evolve campaign provides the students an opportunity to recognize, learn and implement the best industry practices. Join University of Atlanta on Facebook and other social platforms to find out more and contribute towards the Explore, Educate & Evolve Campaign.

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